3rd E-DYCE Webinar: Towards the Dynamic EPCs – EDYCE applications in demo buildings: lessons learned, Torino August 26th, 2023
Suspendisse potenti. In imperdiet eleifend quam. Mauris id scelerisque dui, placerat pretium nulla.
The Dynamic Perspective of the Energy Performance Certification (EPC)
E-DYCE project has finalized its works and celebrated its successful and official completion at the final review meeting held in Torino, Italy on August 23 & 24, 2023. The project duration was 01.09.2020 to 30.08.2023, and delivered on-time all its planned results. For more information, please check the site.
EDYCE (Energy flexible DYnamic building CErtification) is the natural evolution of the conventional Energy Performance Certification into real time optimization of building performance and comfort, by capturing the building’s dynamic behaviour, and at the same time providing transparent feedback, through an intuitive interface.
E-DYCE will drastically increase the reliability of the energy performance assessment process. It will support communication between labelling professionals and building owners, to cultivate benefits in both indoor climate and energy savings. It is complimentary to current EPC labeling method and not competitive, bringing and standing for all the value of the next generation of certification and building energy assessment.
In the current generation of steady-state EPCs the free-running potential of buildings is not considered, neither are included in the labeling stock buildings without heating installed or those of old cultural heritage. On the opposite side, smartness in buildings easy to cope with changes, are not rewarded when buildings are labelled. Overheating, low comfort, demotivation for renovations can be named, as results of poor decisions taken through EPCs.
The transition to dynamic calculations must be supported by optimized and structured processes: efficient input data acquisition, data storage, interoperability, and transparent presentation and communication with the user.
E-DYCE aligned with current Energy Performance Building Directive (EPBD) and near Zero Energy Building (nZEB) definitions, can be applied to any building of any typology, location or smartness level and will generate substantial savings of one energy class by guiding the user to unlock the potential of free running operation.
The E-DYCE concept is presented in the figure below:
In very short the inspection process will perform the following functions:
Suspendisse potenti. In imperdiet eleifend quam. Mauris id scelerisque dui, placerat pretium nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. In imperdiet eleifend quam. Mauris id scelerisque dui, placerat pretium nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. In imperdiet eleifend quam. Mauris id scelerisque dui, placerat pretium nulla.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 893945.