E-DYCE participates in “EPCs: Measuring building performance and adding operational rating” Conference (6-9 September 2022, Nice, France)

E-DYCE at Sustainable Places 2022, Nice, FRANCE
At the beginning of September 2022, the Sustainable Places Hybrid Conference, hosted in Nice, took place. Prof. Michal Zbigniew Pomianowski, professor at Aalborg University and coordinator of our project, presented the main outcomes related to energy performance gap and the Dynamic EPC schemes, in a particular workshop for the progress of the NextGenEPC projects cluster.
he main goal of this workshop was to ensure an open co-creation process maximizing quality, relevance, utility and effectiveness while avoiding reinventing the wheel and ensuring a coordinated and convergent approach. Such an approach would greatly support the digital transformation of the EU’s building stock which in turn will enable and facilitate to arrive by 2050 at healthy, safe, efficient, flexible, and zero-emission buildings for the people.
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