The Dynamic Perspective of the Energy Performance Certification (EPC)

WP1. Consolidation of dynamic EPC specifications

Activities within the context of the Work Package 1 will converge to establish a comprehensive understanding of the various national EPCs and orientate the development process into an adaptable utilization of new technologies, standards and methods. Moreover, a common verification and validation methodology throughout the project will be adopted and the definition of the specifications, KPIs and operational parameters of dynamic EPC will be made. Finally, the end user expectations and requirements as guidelines of orientation for dynamic EPC shall be integrated to project.

WP2. Data modelling and project design

Work Package 2 will deal with technical issues of all data acquisition and processing stages to ensure their appropriate quality and security levels, and will create an interoperability framework specifying the format and properties of the information, as well as the process of automatically collecting information from existing sources. Furthermore, an inspection process will be created to supplement information in case of inexistent or irrelevant data, and to generate a conducting framework for the DEPC, depending on the smartness level of the building.

WP3. Simulation and Optimization Enablers

The core of project is to be found in Work Package 3, where a robust simulation platform will be generated based on readily available software, that can to integrate dynamic certification functions and can generate building specific models.The platform will integrate energy simulations, rfree running operation of buildings, energy demand prediction, microgeneration management (ie energy storage and consumption, etc). The suitable application controls and infrastructures shall be created to enable the collection, aggregation and processing of data from the platform to the user and from the user to the databases, and to implement a correction – simplification mode, based on inputs and outputs for the accurate assessment.

WP4. Extended functionalities and DEPC validation

The aim of Work Package 4 is the formulation and shaping of the E-DYCE DEPC. In this respect activities will focus on the optimization of technology neutral processes, the confirmation of the implementation of common regulatory principles, the provision of guidelines for stakeholders to implement their own technologies, as long as the process-specific standards are upheld. and to They may also enable the integration in the certification methodologies of emerging technological components in a self-sustaining and adaptable ecosystem. Moreover, user feedback and controls with emphasis on the accuracy, clarity and value of information will be sought, and engines will be generated capable of dependably validating the existing baseline models. Lastly but importantly, the action will aim to utilize aggregated data in collaboration with the building models and dynamic simulations, in order to facilitate informed decision-making with regards to renovation.

WP5. DEPC Demonstrations

Work Package 5 deals with the implementation of E-DYCE on site the use cases selected by the project, Geneva (CH), Nicosia (CY), Torre Pellice (IT) and Aalborg – Frederikshavn (DK). In so far, appropriate monitoring plans based on the process and methodology and according to the end-user requirements for each use case shall be are selected, and building-specific models for the implementation of dynamic certification based on data collected throughout the first 2 years of the project will be used, to streamline and optimize the certification processes. Then, comprehensive demonstrations of dynamic certification will be conducted, in a wide range of building typologies and locations and to justify the expected improvements. Finally, existing historical and new static data will be combined with new dynamic data, to test E-DYCE potential for monitoring the impact of strategic decisions taken by the authorities (new compliance obligations or encouraging subsidies), or large building stock owners (deep or partial refurbishment scenarios). Feedback shall be collected to be used in dissemination and exploitation, to help attracting additional early adopters of the methodology.

WP6. Dissemination, exploitation and communication

Work Package 6 implements the strategy of the project for making its works known and bring its results to market. Dissemination assets will be developed for raising awareness and ensure widespread use of E-DYCE within the energy certification and optimization industries analyzing market segments and producing effective customer adoption plan. Aside those, E-DYCE will be standards-compliant and projects innovation and Intellectual Property will be taken care of. A complementary activity also will be devoted to trainings, targeted to young students and engineers.

WP7. Project Management

The guidance, control and wrap-up services of Project Management will be monitored through Work Package 7 supervising. The quality, sound, and timeliness realization of the goals and of all the administrative, financial and technical aspects of the project will be ensured in a smooth communication with all stakeholders organizing regular and special reports as well as exploitation studies, and keeping also all risks under control by adopting suitable risk prevention and mitigation measures.