E-DYCE 6th Plenary and Steering Committee Meeting (PSC) in Nicosia, Cyprus, on September 19th to 21st, 2022
In the beginning of the 3rd and final year of the E-DYCE project, the consortium organized its 6th PCS Meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus. The meeting took place in the Multipurpose Municipal Center of Nicosia, courtesy of the Municipality of Nicosia, and was organized by partner ESTIA.
All partners of the consortium met in person for three (3) days to evaluate the progress of the project, by presenting and discussing all the effort and updated achievements in all ongoing Work Packages. Moreover, a very fruitful and in-depth assessment on the future work planning and the upcoming activities during project’s critical final year, took place.
We were pleased that 4 members of project’s Advisory Board joined the meeting providing their valuable thoughts and recommendations. Ms. Tine Steen Larsen, Mr. Nikos Hadjinicolaou and Mr. Savvas Valchos participated in person, whilst Mr. Claude-Alain Roulet participated on-line.
Initially, our coordinator Prof. Michal Pomianowski from AAU presented the status of the project, together with the co-coordinator Asst. Prof. Giacomo Chiesa from POLITO.
Afterwards, the WP & Task leaders presented the ongoing work, as well as the description of next semester planned actions. The consortium assessed the results achieved so far, and the partners exchanged ideas on how to address the major challenges of the project.
A brief description of the work and the upcoming activity for each WP is following below.

During the second day an important workshop took place were the value proposition of 4 different personas (authorities, public administrators, building owners and EPC experts, was identified.

Finally, E-DYCE project in collaboration with the Nicosia Municipality, organized two (2) guided tours to discover bioclimatic architectural strategies applied to buildings to reduce energy consumption, and to urban space to mitigate the “heat island” phenomenon. The tours were also open to the public.